Tag Archives: Country

Dependence on Independence Day

John Adams to his wife Abigail.

But the Day is past. The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America.—I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not.—I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States.—Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.


While Adams was incorrect in saying that future generations would celebrate on the 2nd, he was correct that we out to celebrate it as a day of deliverance and praise to God. It is by His grace that this nation was founded. It is only by Him that we can do any good – in this land or anywhere. We can do nothing by our own reason or strength. Let us strive this day not only to remember what our founders sacrificed to give us this great country but also praise and give thanks to God for the blessings He gives us everyday, long before and long after this nation exists, and who saved us from more than a tyrannical government. He is our rock and our fortress (Psa. 18:2, 19:14).

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.

~ Psalm 33:12 ~

I pray you have a wonderful independence day, but let us not forget Him on whom we depend.


The Root of Abortion

So… this began as just a commentary on the latest video exposing planned parenthood, but I got a little carried away.
If nothing else, read the article and watch the 10th video exposing the murder of children. Yes, I know it’s not a “buzz word” anymore, and I know it’s not really a popular topic, but at least read the article by Matt Walsh. And, if you care to read more, read my comments on it as well.


And now my few words… I’d apologize for the sarcasm laced in my writing because I know that can get annoying, but I feel like it’s really hard to express anger over text, so hear goes something…


Apparently, the form of greed that requires the selling and buying of baby parts is okay.

Apparently, serial killers on the same level as Nazi “scientist” Joseph Mengele are applauded.

Apparently, legally killing a select group of people for science, profit, or just a general bloodlust is disgusting if done by the Nazis, Russians, or other murderous group, but is acceptable if done by “registered doctors” and a center that “does more than JUST abortion”. But seriously, at this point, does it matter if they do anything else besides abortion? Women’s health seems to be getting put by the wayside here.

Of course, this is all for women’s health. They’ll tell you that’s all they are there for, that’s what the headlines say. Though I wonder what guidelines they are following when they state clearly that they don’t want to be “bullied” by “ridiculous laws”. Wow, I sure feel like our women are being treated with care.

These people are lawbreakers. These people are murderers.
Yet somehow and for some inconceivable reason what appears to be the majority of people have deemed this acceptable. This mindset is without reason, for only a person without reason could deem this atrocity acceptable. I am dumbfounded and without the words to express my disbelief that people can stomach what PP does and then talk down to others and say, “Well, we’re helping women not be burdened by children.” Yes, because children are a burden. And women are much better off with cancer, emotional instability, and increased suicide rates. On top of that, they get to live with the fact that you encouraged them to kill their babies. Great job!

What a joke, “planned parenthood”. Their motto is that they kill babies that were “unplanned” or “accidents”. Man, I’m sure that’s a great mindset to raise kids with. That couldn’t cause any lack of self-worth or lack of respect for human life later down the road. Or raise adults to believe they can dispose of their children for a new model like they are buying a car or something.

I am ashamed of America. I really didn’t think that I’d ever say that. I love this country and what it stood for and was founded upon. But we have simply thrown it out the window. We’ve replaced God with man and his ever changing “absolutes”.

Is this what you wanted, America? A world where people think that laws are “bullies that won’t let us have our way”? A world where it is ACCEPTABLE to kill an unborn child? A world where death is celebrated instead of life? It makes me sick.
Just think for one. little. second. Yes, think. For yourself. Do some research, shake things up a bit.

Where do you think this all began?

Reallllyyy stretch your mind. When did the murder of the unborn become acceptable? No takers? It began with racism. It began with the idea that there were some races of people were born to serve and some were born to rule. No no, don’t be close minded. I’m not talking about businesses. I’m talking about TWO SEPARATE races of people were one can be treated like an animal, like dirt, to be worked and killed as the second race seemed fit because they were “more fit”. Now that phrase sounds familiar, does it not? Yes my friends, evolution will get brought into this too. You know, that unproved theory taught to all children everywhere as the gospel truth. Oh, can’t say gospel. That might be offensive.

Now what does evolution have to do with this? Well, after the enlightenment – that time when “new and great” ideas were brought to the light – people brought back the great idea first proposed by the Greek philosophers that there were some born to serve and some born to rule. They came to a sticky situation though. How do we prove this? Because free thinking is great and all, but we have to have proof. Well, it wasn’t too long after that when a very famous man who had rejected God and needed a “creator” without a God popularized his theory of evolution. You got it, the renowned Charles Darwin. And yes, I know he didn’t “come up” with the idea of macro-evolution, but he popularized it. So we’ll leave it at that.

But what does this have to do with abortion and racism you ask? Well, do you ever wonder why it was taught that Africans were the lower race? Or, better yet, why secularists believe that people came out of Africa? That was evolutionary thought. Basically, primate or ape-like creatures were considered to be the ancestors of humans. And would you like to take a wild guess at who fit the closest link to that chain? Africans. Thus, we have our lower race. Yet what made this great was that this ideology allowed for the mistreatment of those people and lawful slaughter.
Evolution didn’t just give people a “creator” without the God of the Bible, it gave people the permission to kill other people because they were closer to animals than Europeans. That’s right, it gave people permission to kill people. Because they were considered “lesser people”.

Sound familiar? It gets better!

Darwin had a cousin by the name of Francis Galton. Now Galton, like Darwin, was fond of someone named Thomas Malthus. Malthus wrote on the progress of society and how the weaker, the lees fit, should die off or be killed off so that society could progress and that the stronger could survive. A proponent of his was John Maynard Keynes, an economist. Other contemporaries were Herbert Spencer and Alfred Russel Wallace, all huge supporters of Darwin and his theories on evolution, races of men, and the survival of the fit society.

But Galton took this a step further. He didn’t just want the stronger to survive, he wanted the weak to be killed off. He was in fact the coiner of the word “eugenics”. That’s right, that same word used to exterminate millions of Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, and in American. Africans. This theory was embraced because its end-goal was to purify the human race, the genetic code, to get the most fit or rather the best humans. This should ring a bell as this was the goal of Hitler, most clearly understood by his words that “The Germans were the higher race, destined for a glorious evolutionary future.” Nothing like being clear about your intentions or ideology.

These ideas, though, were surprised after the holocaust and the evils b soviet Russia were exposed. So, like the flawed, corrupt beings that we are, someone found a way to get around this. This person was a woman, and her name was Margaret Sanger. She, as probably nearly everybody knows, was the founder of Planned Parenthood. While today’s culture deems her as the defender of the poor, the helpless, and the female, she was actually a devout racist and, believe it or not, supported the KKK. Her views on birth control were not really for giving women power, but to take away their great power to bear children. She didn’t support women, instead she took away the very thing that makes them wonderful. Not that there aren’t other things, but seriously, have you ever really considered how incredible that is? Take a moment, ponder that, and then read on.

So Sanger encouraged that women should deny and abuse that part of themselves but, of course, didn’t stop there. Her organization Planned Parenthood decided to kill the children that women had. Saying that women wouldn’t be hindered from going farther in life, that those children aren’t wanted or are mistakes. But those centers were strategically placed. No, they weren’t just “everywhere” for “all women”. They were designed to eliminate Africans and placed in their communities. Her goal was to get rid of those “near animal” people and aid in purifying the human race through Eugenics.

So that’s where the idea of “less fit” people came from. That is why the enslavement of Africans lasted as long as it did. That is why racism is seen today. And that is where planned parenthood has its roots.



Do you people realize the roots of this terrible organization? If you’ve followed me this long, I commend you. That was a lot to read though. But by I hope you see the roots of this organization and perhaps have a deeper conviction as to why this organization needs to be demolished, and torn apart b the roots.
Because apparently the ripping apart of children doesn’t do it for the majority of America.

These people are scared to let the news hear of this. They are scared of e-mails, and headlines, and videos that display the truth for all to see. It isn’t pretty, and PP and its condoners know it. I’m not really sure if they know it’s wrong. I think their greed may consumed them to the point that they don’t realize how inhuman they have become. I don’t think the realize that they are no better than Mengele who experimented – tore apart, cut open, inhumanely murdered – on children. I’d like to think they don’t know that, but they seem pretty proud with labeling murder “science” and greed “compensation”.

Children are treated with the same respect as a hog in a slaughterhouse. Cut up nice and fresh for researchers to work on. It is disturbingly ironic that we treat them like hogs as Ernest Haeckel, the fraud with the embryos on recapitulation, considered one of the stages a fetus goes through in the womb is a hog.
So if people are just animals, why not kill and sell them like they are worth so little? Why not treat them like they are not made in the image and likeness of God? Why not teach evolution and that life has no purpose? Why not murder children in the name of science?

Why not? Because if we did the opposite, we’d realize that we are accountable to our actions in the eyes of God. And that terrifies us.

But dear Christians, we are accountable. Stand up, speak out, and do not be ashamed of the Truth. This evil must be abolished. Because if we don’t, what will be the fate of our children? We are past a culture of death, America embraced that when they shoved God away. Now we leave a legacy of death. Is that what you want our children to grow up with? Are we really going to keep standing by while they are murdered by the tens of thousands?



What Have We Done?

Another small piece I wrote recently. Again, I will have more on the topic soon.


This is graphic and will make you cry. Viewer discretion is advised.


All the same, I encourage you to watch and share this video. I encourage you to watch and challenge your friends to step out of their lives and think for one moment, “What on earth have we done?” What on earth has this would, our nation, come to? What have we allowed to happen? Murder, death, brutality.

I love history. I love looking back and seeing where we came from and what legacy was left behind by our ancestors. I think on that. We all should. But then I think about how wrapped up our culture is in not wanting to die, to leave something behind so that we are remembered. We want to leave something that future generations will say, “oh yes, that came from that generation.”

What are we going to be remembered for? Other decades had electricity, the moon landing, or world records. We’ve got some bad ones too, like wars and disease and fighting amongst ourselves.

But what haunts me is that we will be remembered as the generation that killed our own children. As the generation that hated, despised life. The generation that was so wrapped up in progress, the future, and protecting the earth for days to come that thy forgot about the generations that were meant to remember it. We forgot how to cherish, how to love, how to protect. We forgot that we were made in God’s image with a sacred life.

And we destroyed it all.

Why? Because we embraced the lie that said we were worthless because it gave us freedom from God’s rules.

And everyone seems to be okay with that. We all seem to be okay with being remembered as the culture of death. And we can’t deny it anymore. It is out there and it’s shameful.

Are you ready, America, to be remembered as the culture of death to the innocent?

~ Rose

For Greed and an Insatiable Bloodlust, We Kill Our Own

This is not one of my better pieces that I have written, so please excuse the typos. I am too infuriated and overwhelmed to go over it all again right now. But this needs to be heard. This piece is not complete. I’ve been holding off on saying anything on this subject because I’ve been hoping to write a good deal on it, but I can’t put this off. Someone needs to be a voice for the silenced.


So another one of these videos exposing the evils of planned parenthood has come out. It doesn’t come as a surprise, and it shouldn’t to you either.


I have to pause these videos from time to time as I’m watching them to keep from getting overwhelmed. I can’t imagine what it was like for these producers and actors to have to go through that, to have to talk like nothing is wrong, going through a normal procedure, and conversing with calloused people.

It sickens me, deeply, every time I see these. They don’t shock me, I know what’s coming and I would expect no more from these humans lacking humanity. But to hear them go on like they are talking about meat, or a plant, or a fossil. Honestly, I can’t think of anything else to compare it to. In fact, I think they’d be more upset over a fossil coming in “damaged” than a mutilated – ahem, sorry – specimen that was damaged. Yes, they talked about how some specimens or “intact cases” come in damaged. Gracious sakes people, you’re talking about a baby! A child! You know, those mini people that contain the same life, the same organs you do but somehow you’ve justified harvesting theirs? I don’t give a damn if your researchers are upset. They’ve lost a human that was tortured to death that they wished to experiment on. Also, in case you, the reader, didn’t know, “intact cases” means that the baby was born alive and shipped whole to these companies/organizations. Probably, they died shortly thereafter, were suffocated, or possibly even still alive when dissected. And some of you might think “well they usually inject a chemical into them so that they die before birth and tearing them apart.” Not true. While the “doctors” might find new and creative ways to kill the child after or during delivery, that chemical will not be used. Why? Because it destroys the tissue therefore making it worthless for researchers.

And the numbers?? FIFTY. FIFTY “specimens” every. Single. Week. In case you can’t count, that is FIFTY lives snuffed out for the sake of “science”.

Apparently, this organization had to disassociate itself with PP because there were too many questions coming their way. Can’t handle confrontation, can you? No, of course they can’t. They don’t want to take responsibility of their actions nor face the horror that they’ve caused, or at least condone and help along.

They complain about the cost, monetarily, and the time because things get damaged. They complain because specimens weren’t delivered on time, or they weren’t the correct ones, or they don’t get them at all. Don’t they realize the cost of destroying a life? That doesn’t affect just one, but at least three people. But more importantly, one will be destroyed that can NEVER be replaced. You can redo research, or find a dog to experiment on (yes, I did just say that. I like animals, but I love people). You can’t press “restart” once a person is dead. Realize, that counts for every person and we will have to give an account. They complain that time is wasted when these children were denied time to live. These children were wonderfully made, they weren’t damaged until these monsters touched them. No, “specimens” are not fragile, life, children are fragile.

And researchers are freaking out, or they don’t want to see it. Yet, just mutilate it a little more and then they can stomach it for a little while longer.

And what about the mothers? These videos discuss the filth and disease in these clinics. Not only will they most likely get breast cancer, or never have children again, or worse, kill themselves because they can’t live with the guilt, but now people are admitting that these clinics carry disease? They are worried about touching the specimens, how about the women who make it out of those places? What are they dealing with now? If PP was really concerned about women, they’d start with these issues first. But they won’t because they don’t care. They care only about the money involved and have some sort of insatiable bloodlust to go along with it.

This destruction of human life needs to end. I’m praying desperately that it will and that these doctors will have a change of heart. Christians, we need to pray. I know I’m writing this angry, but this is justified. This scale of murder is not acceptable. We read the Bible and hear of a god named Molech. The people who worshiped this god sacrificed their children to it probably by the thousands if not millions. We’ve got a new god today, it’s called the scientific community. I enjoy studying science, and scientists have done great things for us, but this is unacceptable. How do you justify the murder of one life in order to maybe, possibly, you know maybe one day this might actually produce a cure for something. And even if it did, I would still not condone it. But you see, it’s never been about a cure, it’s been about greed. These people need to see the truth and find God. But until they do, we must do what we can to end this terrible practice. We are living in a culture of death. It’s time to bring life back to our lives.

In prayer,


Remembering Memorial Day

All that they had they gave – they gave –
In sure and single faith.
There can no knowledge reach the grave
To make them grudge their death
Save only if they understood
That, after all was done,
We they redeemed denied their blood
And mocked the gains it won.

– Kipling
To my American friends who read this blog: On this Memorial Day, let us not forget the sacrifice of those who fought and died for our freedom. 
My choir and I have sung this multiple times in this past year. Each time brings tears to my eyes and I have to fight to keep singing. I am saddened by the fact that these words ring true for many in my country. I pray that one day that will change. 
Of all those in my family who have fought, there is no one who I want to thank more than my grandfather. I wish that I could have had more time with him and had the chance to thank him for his service. 
Let us not mock the gains these heros won for us. Our freedoms are not meager rights, they are our life. They are why our lives are the way they are, and they are freedoms denied to many. God gave us this freedom, many men and women died to make sure we could keep them. Let us not not mock nor disregard their death and value of their sacrifice.  


Blessings to you on this Memorial Day, and thank you to all of you who served this country. Your sacrifice means the world to me.



I am going to speak strictly to our nation, her people, and fellow Christians. Although it could be said of the world in general. We are selfish, self-serving, and have become a “me” centric society. The Lord has blessed us, yet we have taken Him for granted. We were the superpower of the world. We have great wealth and prosperity. Technology at its finest, pristine healthcare, and all the toys to play with from small to large that money can buy. We have food in every form and clothes in every style. We have all this and more, yet we lack. All of it is worthless, yet all of it is what we waste the most on.

You say, “I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.” But you do not realize that you are poor, wretched, pitiful, blind, and naked.

~ Revelation 3:17 ~

Our nation is poor of spirit, it is pitiful of morals, it is wretched of its teaching, it s blind to the truth. And all of this has become obvious. Friends, we used to be known as the most generous, the people with the highest morals, the most Christ-centered. What happened?

We started to focus too much on what we wanted and not what God wanted or others needed. We prided ourselves in what we could buy, or make, or achieve. But what is that in the end? Fuel for the fire? We used to be able differentiate between hot and cold. Yet now lukewarm is not only the easier route but the route most taken. There are so few true Christians – I mean those who stand up for truth – that our nation has been reduced to the wretched state that it is in. We, fellow Christians, have become too comfortable with fitting in instead of standing out. We have so much material that we have forgotten the worth of the spiritual. Moreover, we have forgotten to be thankful for both.

I charge you, my fellow Christians, to not be lukewarm in this world. You cannot ride the fence; not in any situation and especially not with God. Do not ride the middle line, which is no line at all. It is like saying, “I love God, but I do not want to give up this world yet. I enjoy it too much.” With that mindset, we live for ourselves instead of for Christ.  It is a slow change, like a disease. Then we turn away fully and lead others astray in the process.  Open your eyes and see the wretched state around you. Clothe yourselves with God’s Word. Make yourselves rich with the Truth and heavenly things. We have to be the ones to stand up; and not only because no one else will, but because that is our call. Then after we have done everything, to stand. Not just when it is easy, but when it is hard. Our nation is at it is worst, so it is more essential now. We have prided ourselves too long with our “achievements” as a nation and not been thankful for what God gave us. We are blinded by our own remedies. We Christians have become too comfortable with mediocrity and dropped the ball on being true imitators of Christ. It is time we become hot and alive with the Word and message of God in order that this nation, and the Church, becomes alive in Christ again.

~ Rose

The Flesh is in Pain, but the Spirit is Sure

The world is on fire from the inside out. It troubles me greatly, though I am not sure what more for: the fact that the world as we know it seems to be coming to an end or setback, or the fact that this all stems from taking the God of the Bible out of the center of our lives. We are fighting a spiritual battle, it goes deeper than flesh and blood, so I am afraid that it is the latter. And yes, we are fighting a spiritual battle whether you believe or not. For no stretch of logic can explain this fiery world.

Every day another story of what is going on in the Middle East comes out, another tragedy. Murder is barely the word for it, genocide and the fiercest of persecution in ages is more like it. The world is on fire over there. Then Israel is basically standing on its own amidst a sea of people who wish them dead, and us as well. Here our presidential façade stands by and does nothing, save using our tax dollars on frivolous vacations. The U.S. is in its own turmoil with the debt, and job loss… and then bickering about a false pretense of tolerance instead of trying to deal with real issues. Like helping our veterans, or closing our borders, defending our constitution, preserving religious freedom along with our other rights, fixing taxes, regulating welfare, or coming up with a real solution for healthcare. Then while we’re at it, it seems like the whole country, perhaps even the world, stands by while morals decline; while we kill our children when they aren’t wanted; while marriages are not sacred, and the cost of them breaking is not taken into account; while violence is encouraged and the degradation of people is flaunted. Children are raised in schools where evolution is taught as factual science instead of an origins theory, and all the while it has introduced to society the idea that people are as invaluable as animals, no worse than that, as chemicals to be disposed of. We give the pretense of knowledge, but have none while throwing out discretion with it. These latter things may not seem like much to you, but to me they are the cause to far too many problems in our world.

The world is tearing itself apart bit by bit. And some days, it wears me out with just the thought of it. I wish to do something, but it seems pointless and unmanageable to try. Words are only good with action, but I feel as though I don’t know what to do but write. I feel drained of my energy to think of the horrors going on in the world, and the ones starting in our own homes. It is like a disease that starts in the bones, but not all at once nor all in the same place. But we treat it with a band aid and ignore it. Then it spreads till it snaps our very lifeblood out of us.

Our lives need to be centered around Christ again; His life, death, and resurrection are the only reasons life is worth living. The whole world needs to hear it. All these problems, to the root, are spiritual ones. They began with people desiring to follow their own ways, to give credit only to themselves, to being swayed by the devil, to looking for knowledge in other places besides the Lord. We forget that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. He is the beginning of love, and kindness, and mercy, and forgiveness. But instead all I see is fear and hate, and judgment. We deserve to be punished, yet I know God will be merciful if we turn back to Him. I simply wish people would stop going to the opposite of what God promises us. If we call on Him, if we humble ourselves, if we pray, He will return to us. He will heal our land, our world, our homes. Sadly, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. The spiritual battle will always continue, and I am happy to say that I am on the Lord’s side. My spirit rejoices with that while my flesh is still fearful. But at least in Christ I know I can rest assured, no matter what happens. The world may be on fire, our country may be standing in ruins, but I know that God’s promises and Word will remain. Indeed, the fact alone that Israel still remains after so many years of fighting give me enough reason to know that God is mightier than the world gives Him credit for.

I apologize for my bit of a rant and scrambled thoughts. I feel so sad, or perhaps distraught describes it better. Still, though the world is a rather scary place, my spirit is at peace with the Lord.


America: Imagine the World Without Her | Official Movie Site

America: Imagine the World Without Her | Official Movie Site.

I saw this film this morning. I learned so much, and I realized our country has lost so much. We have lost truth, value, and unity. We have forgotten what it means to be an American. We have forgotten how to strive for the American Dream. We have forgotten the good that we have done for not just ourselves, but other nations as well. And most of all, we have forgotten how to be united as a people. This movie is incredible, and many times I was brought to tears. It is worth your time and your money. I’d say more, but the film explains things so much more eloquently than I.

God bless you, and may God bless America.


Also, this song is a pretty fantastic rendition of The Star Spangled Banner. Enjoy!


~ Rose

~ Here’s to What We Have Become ~

Today is Independence Day. I see people having fun, throwing parties, and living in ignorant bliss. I have no problem with enjoying life, I see that as an important part of the American Dream. But at the thought of people disregarding our past and the path we took to get here? It makes me sick and it makes me sad. It’s not “the 4th of July”, it is Independence Day. It is the day (well, actually 2 days after, but for all practical purposes…) that we declared our independence and began the journey to making this great country. A country based on truth, freedom, prosperity, family, justice, and faith. Yet I fear that over the years we have separated ourselves from each other, have forgotten how special and unique our country is, and have forgotten the foundation that our country was made upon. I wrote this poem on Memorial Day, and the flag I painted on Flag Day. But today is the day that we declared our Freedom from tyranny, so I can think of no better day to share them both. Please, don’t let that slip away. It only takes a generation to forget, and we need this generation to remember. For if not us, then who? If not them, then where would we be today?

~ Here’s to What We Have Become ~

The sky is bright on this summer’s day
And children laugh, unrestricted is play
where no one fears what words they may say
And still on the table a Bible may lay

Today is another in the land of the brave
Where our home is safe and freedom is paid
We go as we please, no thought of who gave
And allow ourselves to again be enslaved

Here our history is twisted and smeared
Where we all repeat what we fought in years
Past down are no memories of what They held dear
And all together, our conscience is seared

Where is the life? The Light? And the truth?
What ever happened to the innocence of youth?
Why have issues now become moot?
And why do we not destroy it at the root?

The problem began when we forgot our foundation.
No morals to hold, or the God of our nation
The deaths were for nothing, our lives in stagnation
And before we admit, it will be our damnation

We toss life away like a car that’s too old
We follow ourselves, not the wisdom we’re told
We are now gods, just as the Word foretold
And if it’s for ‘me’, in that deal we’re sold

Freedom for safety, we trade in a minute
No thought of the consequence or the lies within it
The idea of others, them we’d rather omit
But will we survive, or be the ones called unfit?

We think for a second that freedom is bought
With money that burns, no lives, that’s the thought
Yet we will not pay, someone else’s better off
The ideas we’re fed get us drunk on the spot

Where is the land that my grandfather’s knew?
The place where liberty and and determination grew?
And the crops, profit, and families too
All with one thought: for me and for you

So here’s to the land of the home of the free
Of the men who have died for you and for me
To follow our dreams of who we might be
And that the unborn child might one day see

Here’s to the land where I’m safe in the streets
Where a gun in my own hands is mine to keep
A place still of laws, and morals still sweet
And knowing that freedom here never sleeps

Here’s to the land where parents are one
When dad’s come home, a child will run
Into arms that protect, provide, poke fun
A leader for sure, a father raising a son

Here’s the land where mothers still care
Respect and devotion are forever and fair
A place where a daughter keeps down her hair
And no fear come from a father’s place there

Here’s to the land where options are many
Where food is supplied, and production is plenty
Where my life is not hindered, I have more than a penny
My interests not few, but have one and twenty

Here’s to the land where you can have your own mind
Intellect is allowed, and intelligence is refined
What you may learn is in no way defined
Yet somehow we allow ourselves to be blind

Here’s to the land where slavery lost
That the chains of ideas never had what they sought
The destruction and hinderance of what we call thought
Never once did we think that it does have a cost

Here’s to the land where the Bible’s still read
Where publicly I can say what needs to be said
And I can look back to where He had lead
Yet our country without Him, my heart’s filled with dread

I cry at the loss my country has made
Disrespect of the place for which they had prayed
Not one of them has since been repaid
Save the damage we’ve done to the land that they saved

The land that broke at the blood and the sweat
of a farmers hand, and a bullet for our debt
No one complained of the toil and yet
We count it as nothing; we sit and we fret

So here’s to the land we created instead
A land without God, and immorality spread
A land where fear and hatred is shed
Darkness that covers all truth that had lead

Here’s to the land of no morals to keep
No command to be held or even safe streets
A school with a bomb and revenge is sweet
Your own laws to follow, no remorse in your sleep

Here’s to a land where no father is home
No mother to devote, and the daughter will roam
A son grows up with no man to become
And a house is shattered by a pair of the same one

Here’s to the land we thought we had wanted
A place with no bravery of man to be counted
No woman to nurture her child, he’s hunted
And no child for actions can he be accounted

We remember the words of the rockets red glare
But forget that the sound is destructive elsewhere.
While we smile at the colours, blinded we stare,
People shutter as the sound blows their lives in the air

Here’s to the land of warriors lost
Who died for no reason, we ignored the cost
To those giving what we have now tossed
Their graves stand alone, covered in frost

We forgot of the fields where our warriors bled
Lie in unmarked graves, the homes of the dead
Never respected, we laugh there instead
Making light of the willing blood that was shed

What happened when we forgot who we are?
Have we really fallen from a place so far?
Do we forget the sea of red near a star
With the white and the blue, forever been marred

To this we’ve become in the land of the ‘free’
A land swept in the time of just ‘me’
Morality lost in a desensitized sea
Yet there is still a weakened plea

We can still turn back, we’ve not all forgot
We must hold onto freedom before it rots
Though in our ledger are black and red spots
But we have to start now, who will if us not?

Here’s to what we have become
A cry I make, though the damage can be undone
You know now the cost and where we’ve come from
Will you stand for truth, or let evil overcome?

~ Rose

A memorial to the sacrifice that made our country strong.

A memorial to the sacrifice that made our country strong.

Aborted babies are being incinerated to provide electricity in the United States

I had read of this atrocity in an article the other day. It took only a second for me to be remembered of the god Molech mentioned in the Old Testament. Before I had time to write my own response, someone beat me to it, and did a bit of research as well.

Please take the time to read the following article:

Aborted babies are being incinerated to provide electricity in the United States.


This is sick. This is beyond degrading, this is beyond murder. What has humanity come to in order to be brought to this level? Of all the crazy things that go on in this world because of the Culture of Death, this makes my stomach churn and my heart break.

I quote from the article:

God help us. And God help the sick, perverted, psychopaths who can’t recognize this for the atrocity that it is. We kill these human beings, can’t we at least treat their bodies with dignity?

We kill our babies, and now we burn them to fuel our other selfish desires. How dare we. How dare we treat sacred life as it is disposable, no worse than that, as a means by which we create energy. We have already be treated like animals, put in the same category as animals, and now we are considered worth less than dirt.

Take time to consider what the culture of death is doing to society, a culture without morals, without dignity, without sanctity, without life, without God. Consider where we are now, and where we might be going. Because from where I’m sitting, it’s not a pretty picture.


You are an American

This is something I wrote a little more than a year ago. Fall of 2012, going to college, and living in the middle of a dissolving society. I come from a very politically conservative family, and a lot of that has to do with the way my grandfather raised my mother, the way that she raised me, and the way that I observe the world. This is a small glimpse of a major problem in our world, and specially this country, but it is a glimpse that needs to be seen. I understand that some who read this are not American, but I hope that the words and advice can still be taken to heart.

June 21, 2013

Hello all who care enough to read this. Today is a pretty special day, it is my Grandfather’s birthday. He died almost exactly 8 1/2 years ago, and this is in memory of him. I wrote this months ago, but today seems like the perfect day to share his story, and my story. True, it’ll get a little controversial.. I get that from my mom (laughs). But what good is a story if you can’t share it with others? So here you go, take a deep breath, you’re about to take a journey back in time…

I am here to tell a story. I have many stories to tell, but I shall start with one that began three generations ago. I cannot tell you the year simply because it was not important then and neither is it now. But for history’s sake, we shall say that is was somewhere around the early 1900’s. This is the story of racism, immigration, discrimination, freedom, and America. It is a story that has been told many times, yet overlooked. Many share my story, many have no clue; so many more do not understand its importance. But no matter what the background is, it must be told. And that is where I will begin.

A man is living in Poland. He has his family of a wife and daughter, and a home of some land and a few animals. Life was tough in Poland. There was one day when the daughter had to hide under the bed with a pig. It was during World War I, and the military was coming to take their food away, and they needed to eat. Yet, that was how life had always been. You worked hard, you struggled to survive, you lived. What could be more?

This man knew there was more.

Now, I do not know what made him decide to want to leave. After all, he had a family and a home right where he was. Perhaps it was news from across the sea of the prosperity in a new land. Maybe it was about how people could move forward, ahead, and succeed in society. It could have been because of the hardships at home. I do not really know the answer. But whatever it was, he moved to America alone to work. He found a place to live and a job in Pennsylvania. While he worked there, he sent money back to care for his family back home. Now, this was no easy job he had here, and very few would do this particular job. What was it? Well, you have heard of white-collar jobs, and you have heard of blue-collar jobs – this man had a black-collar job. He worked in the coal mines. Still, it was much better than anything at home.

Yes, I am sure that his family missed him, and life in America was not always easy, but it was better than life before. Now remember, this was 100 years ago; life for immigrants was never easy. As I said, this man was a Polish immigrant and a Catholic on top of that. He was discriminated against for both his race and religion. One of the best jobs that any one immigrant could get at that time was digging in the mines. When he got his check every week, he had to come after all of the other workers had received their pay. He was, shall we say, “different” from the rest of them, and therefore he had to wait.

Still, life was better than it had been in Poland.

After a few years, this man decided something: he was not going back to Poland. He wrote to his wife and daughter, “I am not coming back, you are coming here.” Obviously, neither of them were happy about this decision. I mean, why would anyone want to leave everything they knew and loved? Yet it was not long after that they packed a few belongings and arrived here in America. They could not speak English, and their names were changed to fit the American spellings.

They had a home, though not very fancy. One of them was above a tavern. Yet they had food, water, each other, and freedom. They did not have to stay in this low level of life, and especially not their children. They were in America! The greatest country on earth. Before I continue, I must give names to these characters. This man was named Benjamin Krzywicki, in the American form. Felisca was his wife, and Helen was his daughter.  It was here that they had another son, Joseph; but he died shortly after birth. Then they had another son, Edward. And this Edward just so happens to be my grandfather.

This is my story, my heritage.

Here is where you learn about what is truly means to be an American. This is what the American dream is. This is what it means to be free.

My great grandfather still worked in the coal mines, spoke broken English, catholic in belief, and discriminated against on all levels. But he was in America, the land of prosperity and freedom. He understood that he was old now, and his life would stay just about the same for years to come. However, he had a son now in this new land, and possibilities were springing up everywhere.

Edward, my grandfather, spoke both English and Polish, but his father taught him something very important. See, my grandfather was only allowed to speak Polish to his mother. Why, you ask? This is what his father taught him, “You are an American. You speak English.” Basically what he was saying was, “You are an American, be proud of it. It is the only way you are going to make it in this world.” And he made it.

Grandfather ended up going to a great university and studied engineering. However, he never ended up finishing. It was during this time that he enlisted in the Navy during the Korean War. He served his country for a few years, and then came home safely to this free land. It was not long after that he married my grandmother, named Ida. Then he got to do something that very few of similar roots had the chance to do. He left his home in Pennsylvania and moved to Michigan to get a job. Since he had been studying to become and engineer, what better place was there to move than Detroit, the Motor City Capital of the World? My grandfather, the son of Polish immigrants and the first to go to college in his family, got a job at Ford Motor Company. Not just any job, mind you; he was an engineer. And engineer who never finished college and was the son of poor immigrants. This is not something that happens everyday…except in America.

Do you see where his roots came from? Do you see his hardships? No, you cannot, I cannot fully see them. We were not there to experience it. Very few know what it is like, yet we stand on the backs of those who struggled before us. In fact, it was worse than what I wrote, because these were harder times than what we can imagine in our pampered way of living. Yet all of the stories are true. Oh, if only the people of today would have the mindset of the people then.

My grandfather lived a good life there in Michigan. It was there that he raised his family of his wife and five children. From time to time, he with a couple of his children would visit his family down in Pennsylvania, where his mother and sister still lived. When my mother was a little girl, she asked my grandfather, “Why didn’t you teach us Polish?” Their father told them, “My father once told me this, ‘You are an American, you speak English.’” He was proud to be an American; he wanted his children to be proud as well.

Now I am not asking for an apology for those who mistreated my great-grandfather, and I do not wish for you to feel sorry. It was a blessing that my family moved here, worked through hardship, and prospered here in America. Hard work never hut anyone. It was because of the American dream that they came here, and no dream worth pursuing ever comes easy.

I never met my great-grandfather, he died many years ago of black lung because of his time in the coal mines. My grandfather is now gone as well. However, I know their stories and what they believed, and it was what all immigrants at that time believed in: the American dream. I think that both of these men would be distressed, saddened, and angered by the mindsets of people today. Was all their work for nothing? Was their sacrifice just to be squandered by their descendants?

We live in what is known as an entitlement society today. We think that we can just get what we want when we want it at anyone’s expense. We drain our country without lifting a finger for it. People come to this country now for its benefits. Yet many, not all, but many do not wish to work for it. Both those who come here and those who are born here think they are entitled to everything. After all, that is the American dream, right?

The American dream was for people, who were being oppressed, to come and start again. Live a new life; let their children live better than they did. Succeed in life. And you know who made it? Those who stood up under the oppression and downward glances of those who lived here. The able bodied, immigrants who built up the backbone of this Nation.

The people who demonstrated hard work, determination, and setting aside of discrimination were those who really lived the American Dream.

Truth be told, many will be angered by what I am about to say, but it must be said. Racism is not about blacks. Don’t you dare tell me that racism is about skin color. That is a façade over the underlying problem. You look at my family. I am as white as can be, so were my ancestors. Yet they were still discriminated against, and I do not expect an apology or a gift in return for that. Why should anyone expect that? No, racism is not defined to one group of people, or even just people.

I am tired of hearing about racism in this country; I really am. Do you know how to stop it? Stop making it into a bigger issue than it is. Stop asking for others to pick you up because your family was discriminated against in the past. Why do you wait around? Do something about you life, make a name for yourself, succeeded in society, live the American dream! Move out of the past and prosper. Why hold yourself back? Why let the thoughts of another make you think less of yourself and your heritage?

My great-grandfather was 100% Polish. My grandfather was 100% American. I am an American. I do not hold onto my past with bitterness, but I look in it with pride. If my family did not come to America, I would have been born into the lowest of the lowest classes of people. I would not have a nice house, a hundred animals; nice clothes or shoes on my feet; two cars to drive nor freedom of speech. I could go on forever with what I have been blessed with, because I am an American.

I am here today and embrace who I am because of who my ancestors were and chose to be: American.

This land is great; this is the land of the free. Please, stop living in the mindset that you are not free and other are holding you back. I could go on and say a speech on how I am being held back because of your “need-to-be-entitled” to things, but there is no time for that now. Just realize that racism is not about skin color, it is about ideologies and how people view themselves. Remember that loss of opportunity is usually a lack of determination. That lack of success in society is of our own lack of self motivation. It is not to just one people group in this world. The only way to truly move on in this country is to embrace who you are: an American. Nothing but you is holding you back.

The American dream is not dead.

We are standing on the backs of determination, strength and dreams. Do not let that die.

In the immortal words on my great-grandfather, and the inspired words of mine:

“You are an American. Live it.”


A Tale of Past and Prediction of Future

As much as I’d rather talk about creation and Gods design and such, I’m afraid that some things are slightly more important right now.

God has truly blessed us in this country.  We started as only a small handful of people who stood up against the world’s superpower at that time.  Then we began a Nation with freedoms, rights, liberties, and the possible to pursue our happiness here one Earth.  And we trusted God to bring us through and guide our country to where it should.  People, like my great-grandfather, came to this country to start a new life.  Immigrants with a  desire for the American dream,came to the land of prosperity and freedom.  A place where they had a freedom to rise above the constrictions of a class-based society.

Then we began to reject God and His goodness to us.  We told ourselves that we were strong on our own, and we didn’t need His guidance any longer, and took matters into our own hands.  People, why stray from what has held you for so long?  Why, after years of guidance by God, would you tell Him that you have no need for Him any longer?  But of course, when we rejected Him, we would need a new sense of security to fill that gap.

So we looked to political leaders to bring us to victory.  We looked to them to take care  of us, to make decisions for us, and to guide us.  For as they told us, they knew best.  Do they know best? Or were we simply trying to look for a structure and security that we had when we accepted God’s guidance?  But no, people still decided to take the over-lording, leaders in the political world.

But would you like to know what we have gotten in the past And would you like to know what is in store for us in the future?  Read on in the link I present below.  And if you ever have the time, read Ayn Rand’s ‘We the Living’.  I tell you, if you read them with an intent to know the path that our Country is taking, you will be terrified at our coming end.  And I tell you, it is not a pretty one.


I hope you find this at the least thought-provoking.  And perhaps, you might pass it on.  And just maybe, if a few strong are willing, we might be able to change our Country’s direction.




Life has value.  Unfortunatly, so few people see its purpose anymore.  People do not see the value in themselves or others.

Really, we need to wake up and see the need for this.  My heart is saddened by the deaths in this most recent shooting.  My heart is burdened by the overall death and destruction in this country.  Truly, though, this has more to do that simply having more reasonable, honest, honorable, law-abiding citizens armed with a gun to defend innocent people.

This has to do with the degradation of our culture and the hearts and minds of the people in it.

Taking away gun rights is not putting a band aid on the problem, it is making the gaping wound bigger. Having more people armed with gun may save lives, but death will still happen, in many forms in this country.

What we really need is to instill in people, especially children, their value and worth. That people have a purpose, and are not disposable. That THEY are worth something. That life is to be valued.  That is what we need. We live in a culture filled with death and destruction, malice, deceit, hurt, violence, anger, unforgiveness, without love, and with a mindset that we have no value and no one cares.

Our nation asked God to leave everything in our lives, so that is what we got.  We see what a Nation looks like without God’s blessings.  Not to say that He has abandoned us, for He is always there.  But we have refused to acknowledge Him.  We have refused to make Him a part of our life and our culture.

We need to tell others what has been kept from them for so many years. Or else this madness will never end.  Without knowing that you were created for a purpose, that you have value, and that you have an amazing God who made you and who loves you, what else would you expect? How else would you think that people would act?

People are simply responding to what they have been given and taught all of their life. What would happen if we taught them the truth of God? What would happen if we brought back the instructions form Him? What would happen if we taught morals, character, and truth?

Without that, they will live the lives they were told they had: a life of pointlessness and worthlessness, because they know nothing else. They do not know that there is more to be had. They do not know what God has offered to us all.

I cannot fully comprehend the amount of violence that goes on in this country unless I see the background to the culture.  And this is the culture we have: a culture where death and destruction is promoted, no more than that, is shoved down our throats practically in everything, and true purpose and love is not found.

We may save lives by allowing more people to be protected by have defenders with guns.  But these people will still be lost for eternity without the Truth of God’s Word.

~ Rose

Memorial Day

So I went to bed last night to the sound of fireworks and I thought, “What’s going on, it’s not the 4th of July!” And then I realized that today is Memorial Day…

I know a lot of us think of the holidays as days to go out and party and get together with friends… like most associate fireworks with the 4th of July and Christmas with presents.  But do we ever stop to think  about what these holidays really were created for?  They are remembrance days.  Days that were created by our ancestors so that future generations would remember the sacrifice and victories that they had.  It is really quite sad when we forget this.  I know I never have appreciated them like I should have.   I mean really now, how many people would go out on the battle field to defend what they believe in?  For a country that they love so much?  For a family member?  Sadly, I don’t think many people would.   I don’t think I would have the courage to do it.  And our service men and women have been doing it for generations.  And many people don’t even consider that their sacrifice is keeping our freedom secure.

My grandfather died a little more than 6 years ago.  I wish he was still alive so I could thank him for his time he gave to serve our country.  I wish that my great-uncle was also still alive so I could thank him as well.   If you ever get the chance, thank a service man or woman.  They deserve it so much.

I want to say thankyou to all of our service men and women for the commitment they give to serve our country.  Everyone one of them, whether they still live or have died  serving, they deserve so much of our thanks for their sacrifice.  I pray that God will bless each and every one of their families.  We should be thankful, because it was of their sacrifice that we are able to serve our God in this country like we can!

This is a song that I heard ages ago, but I think is now appropriate to post today!   It’s called “Letters from War” by Mark Shultz


God bless you all on this Memorial Day: a day of remembering.
